You can return all eligible item(s) within 3 days from receive date.

Place the item in its original packaging, including any accessories, tags, labels. Note: Opened or destroyed items by the buyer cannot be returned.

Place the item(s) in their original packaging with all accessories and drop off your item(s) or schedule a pick-up with one of our agents.

Once we receive your returned item, we will inspect it and process your refund within 5 business days via voucher or MTN mobile money depending on your selected option.

  1. Select the number of items you wish to return, the reason of the return and give us more details to help us identify the issue with the product
  2. Select your preferred refund method
  3. Choose your ideal return process: Return the item yourself to one of our eligible drop-off stations or let us handle it by picking-up the item from you
  4. Check your information and submit your return request
  5. Initiate a return by clicking the submit button and go to ORDERS then click on the order of the item(s) you wish to return